VIP Experience Tickets Giveaway Contest

04 – 19.05.2023


Now’s your chance to do something nice for your folks this Parents Day!
Hurry, stand a chance to win 3x VIP Experience tickets worth RM1,100+ just by following these simple steps. 

How to win?

  1. Follow us on Instagram
  2. Go to our ‘VIP Pass’ highlight story
  3. Screen cap when the VIP Pass in the box
  4. Post your screen cap on your Instagram Story and tell us why your parents deserve to go on VIP experience in less than 50 words.
  5. Tag us on your story @gentingskyworlds with hashtag #VIPExperience 

Two (02) winners will be chosen to win 3x Genting SkyWorlds VIP Experience tickets.The winners will be announced on 26.05.2023